An amateur chef's pseudo-gourmet meals along with the trials and tribulations in the kitchen and beyond. Having shed 30 pounds so far, the cooking and exploring continues...
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Experiments With Flightless Birds-Part 2
So after the first chicken adventure I decided to shake things up a bit. First change was to bed the chicken on top of some baby carrots. This added a bit of sweetness to the bird. Then we went at it. Sea salt, parsley, cracked pepper, parsley, chopped garlic and raw garlic cloves were all part of the action. Then I added a cup of vegetable broth to help baste the browned bird throughout the 90 minutes of cooking at 400 degrees. What we got was a darn tasty bird from start to finish. The chicken was extremely tender and juicy while the skin was crisp and tasty. The only issue with the chicken quarters is that some parts cook faster than others so there is some unevenness in the end result. My advice, go to KFC and steal their grilled chicken recipe, it's pretty tasty.